I keep on setting My alarms really early, so that I wake up and do the work I need to do. But without fail I continously just fall back to sleep. I don't even know how this happens, some inexplicable force of the universe forces me back to My bed, and I wake up at 6:30AM and feel bad because I can't help but feel like I WOULD'VE done something had I woken up. This has been going on for awhile now, maybe over a month. I have 2 alarms going off, and I usually set the snooze for 10 minutes or so and the digital alarm I have is incredibly loud and annoying. Yet I will just get up, press snooze, go back to bed, immediately fall asleep for the next 10 minutes, wrinse and repeat until the alarm will just stop going off.

I swear every night I hype myself up and tell myself that this will be the day that I finally wake up early, but it has yet to come. I even set reminders on My phone that go off at the same time the alarm does and I'll put stuff saying that I'm lame for always ignoring the alarm, but that still doesn't motivate My zombie brain to just get up.

Anyways I'm hoping that tonight will be different, I'll delete this page if I did end up waking up, goodnight.


I can't figure out how to make the Mario go in the corner, will figure it out if I can wake up at the time I set My alarm for.